For eclectic european bars and clubs a wide ranging series of specialized wall art and bar essentials were created. Some just a slightly artistic twist on the classic campaign and others pushing the concept of the brand in the visual sense.
Wall Art.
Bar Essentials. Merchandisers, ashtrays, menu boards, etc.
Series of lighter designs and sleeves for international markets.
The absolute most fun I've had at work.
Due to changing advertising laws, Marlboro had to promote their involvement in motorsports with premium direct mail invites and consumer promotions. CD-Roms were an outstanding way to express the feeling at the track with sights and sounds at a time when Marlboro chose not to have an online presence.
Marlboro Team Penske consumer and key customer Indy Racing League invitations.
Marlboro Hot Laps consumer event invite.
Marlboro Unlimited was a chance to lead a small team to think outside the norm and refresh a long running promotion with bold graphics and dynamic photography to change the perception it was a boring trip to a cowboy dude ranch.
Online and direct consumer rsvp invites.
Modern masculinity.
Tight crops on beautifully shot objects, and a clean type treatment with the simple line 'shift on red' create an artsy and modern expression of Marlboros core values.
83's campaign retail and equity packaging.
83's Shift on Red campaign direct and promotional packaging.
Shift on Red Showdown promotion.
Shift on Red promotion grand prize interstitial.
83's Prize Reveal Interstitial Video
Regardless on how you feel about tobacco, you cannot deny the success of the Marlboro Campaign. I'm proud as hell of my time on the brand and what I've learned, as well as being able to use that knowledge to mentor new creatives and pass it on.
Retail signage and equity packaging.
Equity direct mail.
Year end direct mail.